What is going on?

Hello. This is a first step toward color schema flexibility.

You still can use existing predefined accent colors from the list:

  • blue
  • green
  • orange
  • pink
  • red

but if you need to pick another accent colors you can do it with the help of native CSS Variables.

Just create, if you haven’t any yet, static/style.css

and redefine two CSS variables, like this

:root {
  --accent: blue;
  --accent-contrast-color: yellow;

Any other CSS Variable I should know?

You can find all of them in the browser’s page inspector, but here is the list with default values anyway:

  :root {
    --accent: #23B0FF; /* 1 of 5 basic colors */
    --background: color-mix(in srgb, var(--accent) 2%, #1D1E28 98%); /* background color; inherit shades of the accent */
    --accent-contrast-color: black; /* mainly uses for text on the accent backgrounds but not limited */
    --color: white; /* text color, also some other text use the variable in color mixing */
    --border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .1); /* border color */

    /* code syntax */
    /* take a look at themes/re-terminal/assets/css/syntax.scss to understand in detail which color stands for */
    --syntax-func-color: color-mix(in srgb, var(--accent) 70%, #999 30%); 
    --syntax-var-color: color-mix(in srgb, var(--accent) 90%, transparent);
    --syntax-value-color: color-mix(in srgb, var(--accent), white);

    /* breakpoints */
    /* unfortunately, native CSS variables don't support media queries, so use SCSS vars instead */
    $phone: 684px;
    $tablet: 900px;

Future plans

Already right now you can play with CSS Variables and achieve decent results, but I hope will work on some light-ish presets and maybe on exposing event more tokens to the users.

The interactive demo